“Priscilla” explores the title character’s relationship with Elvis Presley, played by Jacob Elordi, from their first meeting on a German army base when she was 14 and he was 24, to their 1967 marriage and eventual divorce. And, ironically, Phil Spector used to keep his women captive as well.” (Spector’s ex-wife and lead singer of the Ronettes, Ronnie Spector, accused the producer of imprisoning and tormenting her for years Spector was later convicted for the murder of Lana Clarkson in 2009 and died in prison.) “Some of the musical throughlines were a revelation even to us, once we put these things together. “ that kind of symphonic pop music that just plays very dramatically,” Poster says. During the soundtracking of the film - on which Poster collaborated with indie-pop band Phoenix, whose lead singer Thomas Mars is married to Coppola - Spector’s signature “wall of sound” style soon became an unintentional theme, exemplified by tracks from the Ronettes and the Righteous Brothers.